Safe Zone | After Effects Rig
Ben Chamberlain
Your ultimate tool for safe zones
Making your design fit a specific area can be unnecessarily laborious and result in inaccurate placement – meaning you end up aligning your design to something incorrect in the first place.
What's more, in the event that you need to demonstrate to a client that the motion asset meets safe zone guidance, you can end up downloading a dodgy overlay online or drawing in some rectangles... it gets messy.
Messiness no longer!
This is the perfect plug-and-play solution to save you time and money.
- Input dimensions for left, right, top and bottom sides
- Comp size detection so your zone always relates to your animation
- Text measurements can be hidden with the tick of a checkbox
- Text measurements lock to the edge, rotate to fit in thin zones and disappear in tiny zones
- Everything is contained in a single layer using Essential Graphics for control
- Import SafeZone.aep into files you're already working on and it's ready to go!
After Effects File
1.28 MB
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